Friday 8 April 2016

What If I Am A Feminist?

                    I think the term ‘feminism’ excites the listeners especially the men of our modern society who take interest in ridiculing the followers or admirers of feminism. I feel that this kind of a mocking attitude is rooted in the ignorance of what feminism actually peaches. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines feminism as, “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes” or as the “organised activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests”. So basically feminism speaks about gender equality and urges men to acknowledge women as intellectually endowed beings.
                    Contrary to the actual principles of feminism we tend to have certain preconceived notions about the theory of feminism and ‘feminists’. For instance, some of my friends (which include both men and women) believe that a feminist is a woman who tries to be like a man. I used to believe that this is a common notion upheld by the uneducated sections of our society but was astonished to find that some of my friends also believed in the same! I would like to clarify that feminism is not about imitating men's behaviour or dressing styles but about proudly embracing femininity and performing with dignity the tasks that only a woman can perform while at the same time fighting for an equal space.
                    So before ridiculing the principles of feminism we should at least make an attempt to know the principles. I find it difficult to understand why we should disrespect a theory that speaks about equality for all. Also, I believe that feminism is not some theory that is to be upheld by women alone. The famous writer and symbolist Dan Brown has said in his book The Davinci Code that Jesus Christ is the greatest feminist of all times and so should be all men. A man should always be a promoter of equality by acknowledging the fact that women deserve rights and not reservations.
                    I am not trying to justify all the principles of feminism. All I am trying to do is, make people aware of the fact that feminism is not a bad idea and that we should not feel ashamed to say that we are indeed feminists! I can say that I am a feminist while at the same time I can assure that I am neither biased nor ignorant about the importance of men in our society. There may be a few who misinterpret the ideals of feminism but that doesn't mean that feminism is a wrong idea. So I think we should all try to know more about feminism closely rather than forming biased opinions and mocking our maverick female friends by addressing them as  ‘feminists’. After all, there is nothing wrong in learning since we all evolve by imbibing new ideas and principles.

Friday 26 February 2016

Death Analysed In A Positive Light...

          Mark Twain said, "the fear of death follows from the fear of life". Warm greetings to one and all...I am trying to write about a thought that keeps recurring in my mind that is,"how can the thought of death transform us?". When I tried to discuss this topic with my room-mate her initial reaction was 'why death? Why talk about such a negative topic?'. I think this is how we all react to the very thought of death. Death is often considered as a taboo or as a negative topic not worth discussion in the public. It might be because of the fear that death creates in us or it might be because of the painful memories that the term 'death' brings along with it...But I tend to look at death in a positive way.I believe that the very thought of death can transform us.
          There has always been elaborate discussions about the life after death in literature and even in religious texts where it is euphemistically described as 'eternal sleep' or as 'one's reunion with one's creator'. But I am not trying to speak about the life after death but a life with death. And through a life with death I mean a life that is aware of the fact that we are on earth for a short span of time.
          I believe that the very thought of death would make us superior beings just like the Shavian concept of 'superman'. I believe that if we accept death as our only constant companion we would become more responsible and sensitive in our life to the extend that we would stop procrastinating the things we should do, we would become more empathetic towards others and would be open minded. I believe that the very thought of death would make us grounded. This idea of the transformation that the thought of death can bring about in us struck me when I witnessed a transformation right in front of me. My father...
          My father is a terminal cancer patient. When the disease was diagnosed there were the initial stages of depression and 'why me?' questions. But later I could see that my father was transforming. I saw that my father came to terms with the fact that his days on earth are counted. So he decided to utilise the rest of his life. I could see a lot of transformations in my father. For instance, he used to be adamant in the things he believed to be true and would go on fighting to prove himself correct.But later he started analysing things from different perspectives. He became more empathetic towards others so much so that he would literally stand in their shoes and analyse things whenever possible. I don't mean to say he is always serene and saintly but he tries to be so whenever it is possible. He even started training me to look at things in a detached manner of  which I am not sure as to how much he has succeeded!
          I believe that this transformation of my father was brought about by the positive effects of the thought of death. So I believe that death in fact is positive and enlightening. I believe that the very thought of death would make us humble and detached so much so that we would be able to understand and appreciate new and diverse ideas and perspectives. I believe that the thought of death would inspire and motivate us to see each day as an opportunity and to live life to its fullest expressing our highest selves. And I believe in what Socrates said, "death may be the greatest of all human blessings".

Thursday 4 February 2016

Life Thoughts

He mounted the stairs hurriedly while carrying a lunchbox with him. When he reached the classroom he could see a girl addressing the class and though he had to get back to work urgently he decided to wait till the speech came to an end. He realized that she was speaking about the person who had influenced her the most...she was speaking about the lessons that the person had taught her through his deeds. It was then that he realized how much he had influenced his little girl who seems to have grown up beyond his imaginations...

I believe that the human mind has great potential within it that awaits to be unleashed. We try to run away from our difficulties rather than facing them courageously. I believe that if we endeavor to evolve as a human we should face our obstacles. We should try to resolve issues rather that trying to find solace in temporary diversions. So I believe that the power of human mind gets revealed not only when we solve great mathematical or scientific quests but also when we indulge more deeply with human life.

Detachment is perhaps a gift that is hard earned in life... I keep wondering how some people keep themselves aloof from the things occurring around them. Being unbiased and open minded is really hard for it is humane to be partial. But being detached really helps us to grow intellectually and emotionally and to have unique perspectives. And may be that is the reason why I really enjoy and treasure the company of such people...

It is when we are alone that we keep on contemplating about ourselves. Solitude is perhaps a gift from God... The little time that we get to think about ourselves, how life has changed us or how we still remain the same... It is the time we get to appreciate or criticize ourselves, the time we get to laugh at our own foolishness and above all the time to realize that we are just a speck in this universe...

I think being a strong person externally is the most difficult thing in our life. There are a lot of things that only a sarcastic and strong hearted person can understand... Understanding the potential of the listeners is just one among them. They also enjoy the freedom to mock and to get mocked. People feel free to talk to them ( though not the sensitive ones i guess!). Ironically such funny, sarcastic people would have survived the most tragic events in their life... Isn't it wonderful that negative energy can be thus converted to positive energy? But as i said it is not possible for everyone i guess...

I keep thinking about spirituality. I guess we Indians are too obsessed with religion that we often attach spirituality to religion. But does spirituality gets confined to religion alone? Or is it that we confine our self to religions and rituals? I think it is a much deeper question that needs serious contemplation. I have seen religious people acting selfishly and ordinary people behaving in a divine way. So this keeps troubling me as to what exactly is spirituality? Is it finding God and peace in the world around us or visiting shrines and religious sites alone or does both go hand-in-hand?

I think discovering ourselves is the most difficult task we face in our life. Often we do not even attempt to do it for fear of facing our own insecurities. But once we know what we are capable of and what we aren't, I think it will be easy for us to take up tasks rather than pursuing things we cannot accomplish... I myself like to do a lot of things that pops into my head but something prevents me from doing them... What is it? My lack of confidence can be one reason but then I'm in constant quest of myself just to know what I am capable of and what I am not capable of...

It is not always easy to be cheerful and benevolent in life especially when we are fighting our own personal demons. Being humans we do loose control over our emotions at times,but some people choose to be different... They are the ones who maintain a stable mind through thick and thin...they are the ones who are ready to help us and put on a cheerful contagious smile even when they are passing through the toughest times of their lives. I admire and adore such selfless people for it is they who make this planet a place worth living in...they are the living divine!

I keep wondering why we often associate tears with weakness. We tend to see a person who cry as weak and fragile but what exactly forms the basis of this prejudice?! For me tears are a sign of strength and happiness as well... It might mean that the physical or mental pain inflicted upon us is far more we can endure but it might also mean that we are capable of rising above our pain. Tears can be the sign of our infinite potential to remember the days of glory and the days of sorrow. Tears can thus be associated with a number of emotions based on our perspectives and not just weakness alone. So I believe that we should neither mock a woman for crying nor should we prevent a man from crying just based on the biases prevailing in our society. And so next time we see a person crying we should be glad that we came across one brave heart who is much more than a fragile soul...